wp-1451575223137.png Last year this time I was very unhappy with my job among other things and I was constantly complaining to my friend Brittany. She basically told me to write down everything I wanted out of life and to make sure I included specific details and whatever was most attainable we would set goals for. Some of those wants I was able to achieve and some have made it over to this list for 2016. Going into the New Year, in March I will be turning 27, 3 YEARS AWAY FROM 30 I really thought I’d have it all figured out BUT I DON’T and that’s cool with me, so here is a list of 20 things I want personally and for the blog in 2016!

Write the vision make it plain.

Snooty Personal Wants

  1. Learn how to accept an apology I may never receive.
  2. Get out of the States (this one made it over from last year’s list) – I love to travel but I’ve never even left the east coast. With Trump running, it’s a good time to start exploring options OUTSIDE of the states

  3. Meet Kanye (this one as well) – If I could just touch the hem of Yeezus’ garment. Look I know I talk about Kanye a lot but he is a smart man, whose creative talents as well as business model I’m in love with.
  4. Learn how to say no – I always end up in shitty situations because of this.wp-1451575608702.jpg
  5. Lose 40 lbs (okay a lot of these made it over to 2016) – ughhhhh bread and cheese make the world go round
  6. Stop eating meat completely – I am a picky eater and it’s just time to make that change. There is also a lot of information to support that we shouldn’t eat meat and that it is not good for us.
  7. Get caught up on past due student loans and debt - not really but I mean "I wanna act wp-1451577536441.pngballerific like it's all terrific, I got a couple past due bills, I won't get specific, I got a problem with spending before I get it" but this year I am going to focus on getting that together.
  8. Learn how to Budget and Save – the underlying problem here is self-control
  9. I want to go somewhere I have never been for my birthday preferably Jamaica or Puerto Rico.wp-1451578031584.jpg
  10. NEW WARDROBE – no forreal and I would like for it to include every color of the Yeezy Boosts.






Snooty Judy Blog Wantswp-1451578333299.png.

  1. Clean up Instagram – I would like for it to have a consistent color scheme so when you see delete or repost photos that’s why. It makes a difference, you’re welcome.
  2. Expand 20 Something Doing Something – It was a good time that I want to be able to share with more people.
  3. Perfect photography skills and create more concept shoots – My favorite concept shoot for 2015 would have to be with Tia and Geech with TLR I would love to do more of these in 2016. You can only get better, right? (photos are a direct link to the concept shoot)wp-1451576247225.png
  4. Post Consistently – my goal is 2 to 3 a week but I also have a life and want to bring you QUALITY over QUANTITY
  5. Add the “Meet__________” series to my blog – a NEW series I will be adding to my blog, inspired by Humans of New York.
  6. Add the ”Museum Tour” to Snooty Judy – the other NEW series, wpid-wp-1443535650381.pngwhere we experience some of my favorite museums as well as some I have been dying to visit.
  7. Expand following outside of North Carolina.
  8. Explore videography
    1. Work solely for myself (from last year’s list also) – I get tired of making someone else money. It is also boring.
  9. FOCUS ON CREATING – I noticed towards the end of the year, work and being an adult with an adult job took over a lot of my time to create. I want to focus on creating dope things.






In result how do I feel about accomplising things on this list? iIs gonna be very hard and uncomfortable. A comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing every grows there.
