3 Bloggers Who Inspire Me & How

wp-1451329543732.png It is the last week in 2016, and it’s time to review! I’m going to begin where every good idea starts with inspiration! Here are three bloggers who inspire me. They inspire me to take risk, be open and candid and one inspired me to start my blog… again.

All photos came from their blogs and is a direct link for you to enjoy them for yourself.



Tar Heel Voyager is written by Alex Rhodes, a young guy exploring Thailand while Teaching English as a Foreign Language. HE talks about his experiences as a teacher, while traveling, as well as the hardships he faces being away from home. I’m obsessed with Thailand and looked into the same program to teach abroad but was too afraid. I love reading Alex’s blog because he talks about the fun he has checking off his bucket list in Thailand and making new friends on the football field but he also shares how he deals with the many things that sometimes keeps me from leaving myself. Such as missing his family and not being able to travel home during the passing of his grandfather or not always being accepted as a foreigner. Being a teacher, he is very busy, but when he has time I love to read his stories. They inspire me to take risk and not be afraid even if you have to do it alone.



wp-1451329356218.png“A 26 year old southern girl who loves God, food, natural hair, travel, health and photography. Here to share her vantage point on life!” Vanessa’s self-titled blog is a lifestyle blog where she shares recipes, some of her favorite books, decoration ideas, and so much more with a cute video to match almost every post. Outside of her sharing cute hairstyle tips and traveling pictures, there are also times where she is very open to her readers about current hurdles she may be facing. I have read her post and found myself crying because I could relate to some of the things she was sharing. She discuss things such as how social media and blogging took over her passion for yoga. She inspires me to be open and candid. In a world where it seems we are almost programmed to show how “perfect” our lives are through social media, she expresses how hers isn’t and how she makes it through



FabEllis is written by fellow Meredith Angel, Ashley (Ellis) Carter, where she too shares various hair and fashion tips.  Just starting in the corporate world I realized I hate business attire, so I personally love her Fab Werkwear Series where she shares the different ways she dresses professionally with flare. Her blog is dedicated to showing women ways to be FabEllis (see the cute play on words there) Ashley had a very strong presence at Meredith College and being that there were not many Africans Americans on campus; seeing a black female in leadership positions was amazing. My freshman year, I had started my first blog “the best YET” (Snooty Judy is my 3rd blog btw) and decided to quit a few months later because it was way too much work. However I watched Ashley start her lifestyle blog in 2010 and I loved every bit of it! Her blog is a great inspiration for not only plus size women but black women! I loved her post, her fashion tips, her natural hair reviews but what I loved most is how she kept doing it! My first two blogs were a lot of work so I quit them! I love watching her blog continue to grow and how she never quit. I know she put in a lot of work to get where she is today and that inspired me to start my blog back up and she continues to inspire me to not quit because it can grow!


I hope you check out these blogs and find as much inspiration from them as I do!

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