20 SDS Artist: Jazmyn Reynolds
This year at 20 Something Doin' Something, we will be featuring several amazing artists. We have curated a unique art exhibit just for this event and each artists is working on never before seen pieces to display at this year's 20SDS. The first artists is a 20 something Winston Salem native, named Jazmyn Reynolds.
Recently, I was able to sit down with Jazmyn and find out about her creative process, the different things that inspire her, and what holds her back as an artists. I have worked with Jazmyn on several occasions and she never mentioned that she was an artist. Until one day recently she posted that one of her pieces would be displayed in the Delta Fine Arts Center. I was blown away and fell completely in love with her piece covered in bright flowers.
“I feel so bad for my boyfriend, I play the same song over and over again while painting”
- Jazmyn
I was curious to find out what her process is for creating pieces such as the ones she is currently working on. She is inspired by flowers as well as music. Whatever song she is feeling at the time, she paints while it is on repeat. She is obsessed with artists like Monet and Gustav Klimt's use of color in his famous painting "The Kiss." Even though she didn't go to school to study art, she loves doing it in her free time and looks for opportunities to use her creativity. Most recently, her mother suggested that she enter one of her pieces into a contest at the Delta Arts Center and she won
Her work is amazing and I am excited that she is able to be apart of this year's 20 Something Doin' Something! Jazmyn has more pieces in store for this year's event August 26th, so make sure you grab tickets from Eventbrite.