Trump is Our New President, Now What do we do?

Hopefully I can get the jobs I’ve been applying for solely based off faith and the fact that Trump can become our president with zero experience. It’s official, whether you want to admit it or not, Orange is the New Black. Trump is our future president. I’m just as confused as the rest of the United States but I’m all about moving on and fixing the problem. I am not interested in talking down to the other 88% of blacks who didn’t vote, I am more concerned with what to do next. So now that he has won what do we do?

Take a Break From the Internet


I’ll disappear from social media QUICK! Sometimes it’s necessary. Everybody has an opinion in this election, which is cool but the internet is where they let it out no matter how stupid their opinion is. I am now seeing friends who never showed any signs of voting for Trump coming out the wood works. I am seeing people ranting about why they didn’t vote and others fussing about why they should’ve voted. Stop being dramatic. Stop arguing with family and friends. Stop arguing with racist it is not good for your mental health. Just leave. Let this hype die down, process what has just happened and what’s about to come but don’t do it with others. Cause Facebook statuses will make it worst.


Understand Trump is Not the First Racist/Sexist President we have had

I meeeean you know how history went. We must learn from it and see where our ancestors went wrong (or possibly right) and then fix it. This is not the first time we will have to deal with a bigot or sexist, and because it’s not going anywhere no time soon, it will not be the last. We must acknowledge that it took place and assure ourselves we will do whatever needs to be done as a community to make sure we are not repeating mistakes or history. The biggest thing to take from this point is that we made it through those previous presidents! We survived the fight against racist and sexist neighbors, bosses, and police officers we will make it through this too!

Love and support your Muslim and LGTBQ brothers and sisters


Hate for African Americans isn’t anything new. We have been dealing with this. However, if I was an immigrant, a Muslim or a part of the LGTBQ community with the things that have been said and we have seen during this election would leave me concerned. When I was in New York about 2 months ago a Muslim woman was set on fire on 5th Ave. There are always a million people in New York how come no one was there to stand up for her. I believe the crazies are going to start coming out of nowhere and we must stand up for what’s right and support these individuals that have to face hate because the president elect encourages it. They must continue to fight and we must continue to support them.

Practice Group Economics


People are worried about Trump being racist or messing up the economy but here is an idea, what if we supported one another so that it can help the black economy. Did you know that in the Diamond District of New York, Hasidic Jews handle their disputes before involving secular courts? Hasidic Jews are allowed to govern and handle their own problems before getting others involved. The African American Community needs to grow to that level so that when things like this happens it doesn’t matter to us.

Stop Talking & Be the Change


People have A LOT to say, but what did you physically do to make sure that Donald Trump did not win. Bickering over social media does not count. Take an effort to make the change you want to see in the world. If you want more children’s activities in the black community create them. If you want more jobs in the black community start a business and hire your people. Create whatever changes you want, it’s not as hard as you think. If you have changes or things you want to bring to life or need help bringing your ideas to fruition start a team or feel free to contact me i do not mind helping where I can.

Remember that life goes on. Flint, Michigan still doesn’t have clean water and that was before Donald Trump won as president if you are not getting the changes you want, go make them yourself. No matter who won we still have our everyday lives to go to and problems to solve that aren’t necessarily Trumps priority.

politicswhitney daniel